
About Us


“But as for me and my house. We will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

Mother, wife, domestic engineer, animal lover, tennis athlete and now an at-home educator, Aleksandra brings her enthusiasm for her Polish heritage and deep-love for Christ through Catholic tradition to blogging. A native of Virginia, she previously served as an elementary school teacher at a parochial school, pet sitter, southern charm home decorator, skin care consultant, director of a non-profit retail bakery association, event planner, and journalist for various magazines. Each of her positions have prepared her for family life and motherhood. She wishes to share her experiences as a means to not only record her story (and organize her thousands of photos, notes, and videos to make room for new ideas and future planning!), but to share the lessons she has learned in the hopes of inspiring others towards legacy living. Blogging, for her, is a method of self-growth, awareness and reflection – and with a degree in journalism, mass communication and marketing, she wants to communicate it to those who may benefit from reading it. 

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